Week 3 ( Fyp 1)
Title: Confirmation project title in the system
This week, Mdm Azliza registered my name and the title under her supervision on the FYP website. I should be able to check the application status online once the supervisor approved my application.
I have now officially under Mdm Azliza supervision for my FYP supervisor, Mdm Azliza will guide me in the project, recommend approaches, techniques and methods appropriate to achieve the project's obejctives.
The new title for the project:
Developement Of Wireless Pigeon Hole Using Microcontroller.
Synopsis of the project:
The project is to study, design and develope wireless pigeon hole by using a microcontroller. The basic concept of this project is, the led that connected to the wireless pigeon hole will alert to the lecturer's desk to inform the lecturer that an assignment has been sent in the pigeon hole box.
please use your real name and up date the blog every week